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Higher Specialist Training

Public Health Medicine


Applying to HST


Entry Requirements

Entry requirements for Higher Specialist Training are programme-specific. To see the entry requirements for your preferred programme, please check the relevant HST curriculum.

General entry requirements for HST programmes:

  • You must have completed Basic Specialist Training in the relevant specialty (or an equivalent programme) by the start date for HST. Please note that not all BST programmes offer consideration of equivalence. Applications for equivalence will need to be submitted via the College's Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) policy which is outlined here.
  • You must have achieved a relevant postgraduate qualification such as MRCPI in General Medicine, General Paediatrics or Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Please note: we have reverted to the previous regulations regarding the examination which were in place before COVID-19. That is, all HST candidates must have successfully passed their MRCPI Clinical Examination relevant to their speciality before their HST interview date.  There are no exceptions to this requirement.
  • You must be currently or previously registered on one of the divisions of the Irish Medical Council, or provide proof of eligibility for registration
  • You must have proof of competency in the English language in line with HSE specifications (PDF, 506KB). 
  • You must have demonstrated an aptitude for, and an interest in, that specialty.

Places in HST are allocated in the first instance to applicants who, at the time of application, are citizens of Ireland or nationals of another Member State of the European Union, Stamp 4 Visa Holders and UK nationals.

Read more about the Allocation of Places on Specialist Training Programmes (PDF, 623KB)

To apply for Higher Specialty Training in Public Health Medicine, you must have:

  • a certificate of completion of Basic Specialist Training in a recognised Irish training programme: General Internal Medicine or Paediatrics or Obstetrics and Gynaecology or Histopathology or Psychiatry or Surgery or Emergency Medicine.
  • or a certification of completion of the Irish Specialist Anaesthesiology Training or the Irish National GP Training programme.
  • or recognition of prior learning pathway. There are two pathways: Recognition of Prior Training (RPT) and Recognition of Prior Clinical Experience (RPE). Applicants in this category should first apply to our Recognition of Prior Learning pathway.

Current Applications and Updates

Applications for Higher Specialist Training for July 2024 intake are now closed. Applications for July 2025 intake are expected to open in October 2024. Updates will be posted here in due course

An important note around eligibility regarding HST applications and potentially getting on a HST training scheme. Since the summer of 2022, we have reverted to previous regulations that were in place before COVID-19. That is, all HST candidates who are in year 2 of a BST programme must have successfully passed their MRCPI Clinical Examination before their HST interview date. There are no exceptions to this requirement.



Frequently Asked Questions