CPD Events
Professional Competence is a formal way of recording your lifelong learning as a doctor and highlighting your dedication to developing and maintaining key skills and competencies throughout your medical career. To practice in Ireland, doctors must be registered with the Irish Medical Council and be enrolled on a Professional Competence Scheme. This section will guide you through the Schemes available and what you need to do.
Specialist Division - Choose your Scheme
General Division - Choose Your Scheme
Institute of Medicine General Division
Faculty of Paediatrics General Division
Institute of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists General Division
Faculty of Occupational Medicine General Division
Faculty of Public Health Medicine General Division
All about your Professional Competence requirements and how to get started.
This section will guide you through the various Professional Competence components and requirements.
Your Professional Competence requirements explained if you need to take a career break for any reason.
We have a highly experienced Professional Competence support team. They are always happy to answer your questions and advise you on how to maintain Professional Competence. The fastest way to contact this department is by logging in to our support desk.