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Simulation Study Day in Waterford

Simulation Study Day in Waterford

In addition to supervised clinical training, BST and HST Trainees attend a number of Study Days each training year. These are designed to help Trainees develop professionally, and acquire the non-clinical skills and knowledge needed to provide excellent patient care.

Dr Karen Dennehy, HST Geriatric Medicine and Irish Clinician Educator Track (ICET) Trainee based in Waterford, was recently involved in organising a well-attended Study Day on Simulation at St Patrick's Hospital, Waterford.

"I was delighted to join the Waterford Integrated Care for Older People (WICOP) Centre, including, Prof John Cooke, Dr Niamh O’Regan, and Dr Emily Buckley, to arrange our recent SpR Study Day," Dr Dennehy said.

"We structured the SpR day in two parts, the first half of the day was spent gaining theory around simulation – its context in medical education, its applications, and the steps to successfully run a simulation from a panel of expert speakers. In the afternoon we designed interactive sessions, where attendees applied the theory from the morning sessions. This involved showcasing a pre-designed simulation scenario, facilitating workshops with Trainees to design their own simulation scenarios, and then running these scenarios. Trainees applied theoretical knowledge and practiced - designing simulations, pre-briefing, developing psychological safety, and debriefing. Our goal was to enhance all Trainees' exposure, knowledge, and ability to run effective simulations in their own practice"

To support ongoing successes like the Simulation Study Day and to assist all specialties with this essential element of the training curriculum, we have launched a new project here at the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland to look at current Study Day programmes to see where we can make recommendations to help clarify processes and support delivery.

As part of our review, we have circulated Study Day Surveys to all RCPI Trainees, Trainers, and NSDs to determine how things are working and where there are gaps. Surveys will be open until Friday 8 December 2023 so there is still time to participate if you have not done so already!

Sincere thanks to all Trainees, Trainers, and NSDs who have taken the time to give us your feedback so far. We would also like to extend special thanks to Dr Maeve Doyle, Dean of Education, Dr Dennehy, as well as Dr Emily Buckley, Chair of Trainees Committee and HST Geriatric Medicine Trainee for their contributions to the project. Your time and input is very much appreciated.