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New reports launched at the National Specialty Quality Improvement Annual Conference 2024

New reports launched at the National Specialty Quality Improvement Annual Conference 2024

The National Specialty Quality Improvement (NSQI) programmes hosted this year's annual conference on 20 November 2024 with the theme of ‘Enriching the Culture of Clinical Audit and Quality Improvement in Healthcare.’ 

This year marked the release of the first patient-friendly or “plain English” versions of the three national annual data reports by the National Histopathology, GI Endoscopy and Radiology QI Programmes. This is an achievement for the Programmes at a time when the importance of health literacy is so widely acknowledged, and the requirement is for simple and direct explanations to ensure patients have the chance to navigate the health system with confidence and dignity. 

During the conference, the National Histopathology Quality Improvement Programme released the 11th annual national data report, presenting findings from data collected from the National Quality Assurance and Improvement System (NQAIS-Histopathology) from 1 January to 31 December 2023 from 28 laboratories, in public, voluntary, and private hospitals. 

The National GI Endoscopy Quality Improvement Programme released its 9th national data report. The report analyses 2023 data submitted to NQAIS-Endoscopy by 36 public, voluntary and 15 private hospitals, an increase of four hospitals compared to the previous report. 

The National Radiology Quality Improvement Programme released its 5th national data report, covering 2023 data from 48 public and voluntary hospitals. This is the second consecutive year where the combined workload recorded in all participating hospitals has exceeded 3 million cases, representing a 5.5% increase on the previous year’s findings.  

The National Bronchoscopy Quality Improvement Programme has agreed on five key quality areas in which to gather data across Irish bronchoscopy services, 1) access, 2) safety, 3) complication rates, 4) indicators of a successful procedure and 5) patient experience. 

The development of six key quality indicators (KQIs) has been completed with a further three in progress. These KQIs will apply to both adult bronchoscopy and EBUS procedures, focusing on suspected cancer cases. The KQIs being developed by the working group will be used as metrics for national reporting, with the aim of commencing data collection by the end of 2025. 

The event also featured talks and discussions on various topics, including clinical audits, data quality, HIQA monitoring and standards, private hospital association, patient experience, a new Lean Six Sigma Person-Centred model, and clinical risk and mitigation.