National Specialty Quality Improvement Annual Conference 2023
The National Specialty Quality Improvement Annual Conference was held at the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland, No. 6 Kildare Street on 22 November 2023.
Four National Specialty Quality Improvement (NSQI) Programmes in GI Endoscopy, Histopathology, Radiology and Bronchoscopy are managed by the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland. The primary objective of the programmes is to enhance patient safety efforts in participating public, voluntary, and private hospitals and improving patient care by providing accurate, timely, and complete diagnoses and reports. The Royal College of Physicians of Ireland publishes a national data report for each programme every year.
This year's conference featured engaging discussions led by experts in the field, covering topics such as the evolution of the programmes, the Patient Safety Act, national clinical audit, psychological safety in the workplace, the National eHealth Strategy and insights from the patient experience. The key focus was on findings and recommendations from each of the annual national data reports.
There were three Q&A sessions during which speakers addressed questions from both in-person and online attendees.
Mr Maurice O’Donnell, Mr Peter Clarke, Dr Dan Ryan, Dr Jan Leydan, Prof Conor O’Keane
Programme included:
“National Specialty QI Programmes - An Overview” by Prof Conor O’Keane, Consultant Histopathologist Mater Private Hospital, Dublin NSQI Steering Committee Chair
"National GI Endoscopy QI Programme 8th Annual Data Report" by Dr Jan Leyden, NEQI Programme Working Group Chair Consultant Endoscopist, Mater Misericordiae University Hospital, Dublin
“The Voice of the Customer (Patient)” by Peter Clarke, NSQI Programmes Steering Committee Patient and Public Involvement Representative
“The Safety Act 2023 and the National Open Disclosure Framework: Progressing Open Disclosure in Ireland” by Maurice O’Donnell, Head of Patient Safety Legislation and Advocacy, National Patient Safety Office, Department of Health
"National Bronchoscopy QI Programme" by Dr Dan Ryan, NBQI Working Group Chair Consultant Respiratory Physician Beaumont Hospital, Dublin
"HSE National Centre for Clinical Audit - Our journey so far" by Majella Daly, Assistant National Director, HSE National Centre for Clinical Audit
"National Histopathology QI Programme 10th Annual Data Report" by Dr Linda Feeley, NHQI Programme Working Group Chair Consultant Histopathologist Cork University Hospital
"HSE Digital Health Strategic Implementation Plan" by Fran Thompson Chief, Information Officer, HSE CEO of eHealth Ireland
"National Radiology QI Programme 4th Annual Data Report" by Dr Margot Brannigan, NRQI Programme Working Group Chair Consultant Radiologist, St. Luke’s General Hospital, Kilkenny
"The Power of Psychological Safety. Cultivating Teamwork, Engagement and Patient Safety" by Dr Roisín O’Donovan, Centre for Positive Psychology and Health, RCSI
“The Role of MDT Pathology Review and Impact on Revised Reports: Analysis of a National QI Programme” by Dr Eoghan O’Connor, Trainee Histopathologist, NHQI Working Group Member
“Quality Improvement for Conscious Sedation (CS) Standardisation” by Libby Edghill, Clinical Nurse Manager 2, Endoscopy Unit Elaine Harris Assistant Director of Nursing Naas General Hospital
“Total Turnaround Time Pilot Project Update” by Mary Conlon, PhD Quality and Patient Safety Department, Clinical Specialist Radiographer and Avril Hanly, Clinical Specialist Radiographer Portiuncula University Hospital, Ballinasloe
During the event, attendees had the opportunity to view a series of posters created by teams from various participating hospitals. These posters showcased the innovative initiatives implemented locally using NQAIS and other data sources to improve the quality of care provided in their departments.
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