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Enhanced Paediatric Pocket Tutorials now offer 14 courses to external learners

Enhanced Paediatric Pocket Tutorials now offer 14 courses to external learners

In July 2024, the Paediatric Pocket Tutorials were relaunched as 14 standalone online open courses, now accessible to non-doctors and non-RCPI members, thanks to National Doctors Training and Planning (NDTP) funding in 2023/2024. 

The Paediatric Pocket Tutorials online resource now comprises 14 new standalone courses, which are open access to Trainees, Members, Fellows and Associate Members of the Faculty of Paediatrics, RCPI. 

Five of these courses are offered as open access to anyone who enrolls, covering Adolescent Health, Child Protection, Inclusion Health, Medicines Safety, and Speech and Language Therapy. External learners can access the remaining courses for a fee. 

Each course features content ranging from 4 to 16 videos and provides automatic CPD points upon full course completion. Each topic (video) includes a required knowledge check, and feedback submission is encouraged. 

Initially developed to address the need for clinical teaching opportunities during the pandemic, the tutorials have grown over time into a highly successful free online resource. Led by Dr John Fitzsimons, endorsed by the Faculty of Paediatrics and created by clinical experts, each section is built by a clinical lead and selected contributors with support from RCPI. 

In 2023-24, seed funding from NDTP was awarded to enhance the tutorials under four key pillars: governance structures, added content development, establishing an evaluation framework, and expanding access to external learners. 

The Paediatric Pocket Tutorials now include 14 courses with 132 videos created by over 100 paediatric experts from children's healthcare across Ireland. The project would not have been possible without a significant volume of work from all those involved. 

This new offering can be accessed here.