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International Residency Training Programme



International Residency Training Programme in Paediatrics


Welcome from our Clinical Lead

"The IRTP offers successful applicants bespoke training to meet their needs and the opportunity to work in a different culture which will reframe their conceptual frameworks of healthcare which will benefit their future patients." - Prof Michael O’Neill

Prof Michael O’Neill

About the International Residency Training Programme in Paediatrics

The International Residency Programme is a comprehensive, three-year clinical training programme in Paediatrics , offering in-depth experience in general paediatrics and subspecialty rotations. The training provided is identical for both national and international trainees, ensuring a consistent and high-quality experience across all participants.  

Training is conducted at designated hospital sites in Ireland and led by RCPI-certified trainers, with additional support through a structured national teaching program. The RCPI International Residency Programme follows a structured curriculum and encourages trainees to actively participate in multidisciplinary clinical team meetings, engage in research and audit projects, and attend both national and international pathology conferences. 

Trainees on the International Residency Training Programme will spend fourteen months in General Paediatrics and twenty-two months in subspecialty rotations, including Neonatology, Neurology, Metabolic, Endocrinology, Respiratory, Nephrology. 


Full Curriculum

For more information and details on learning outcomes please see the full curriculum below.


Entry Requirements

This programme is currently open to citizens of Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Bahrain who meet the following criteria: 

  • Hold a primary medical degree completed in English
  • Have completed or are near completion of a structured internship
  • Possess provisional sponsorship from a government body affiliated with RCPI
  • Demonstrate an appropriate level of clinical experience 

Please note that additional requirements may need to be met before starting in the position:

  • Successfully passed MRCPI part 1
  • Met the English language requirements, IELTS of 7 with no band lower than 6.5 or OET B 

Meet Dr Asmaa Milyani (video)