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International Residency Training Programme

Obstetrics and Gynaecology


International Residency Training Programme in Obstetrics and Gynaecology


Welcome from our Clinical Lead

"Following the success of our International Fellowship Programmes in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, we are delighted to announce the launch of our International Residency programme. ...

Dr Suzanne O’Sullivan

International Residency Training Programme in Obstetrics and Gynaecology

The Obstetrics and Gynaecology programme offers a comprehensive training experience in busy Irish hospitals, ensuring that trainees receive a well-rounded exposure to the field. Trainees are required to complete training in the following areas, Basic General Clinical Skills, Management of Early Pregnancy, Management of Antenatal Pathologies, Management of Obstetric Emergencies, Labour Ward Management and Postpartum, General Gynaecology and Gynaecology Subspecialties.  

Achieving the Membership of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland (MRCPI) is a requirement for the successful completion of the programme. 


Full Curriculum

For more information and details learning outcomes please see the full curriculum below.


Entry Requirements

This programme is currently open to citizens of Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Bahrain who meet the following criteria: 

  • Hold a primary medical degree completed in English 
  • Have completed or are near completion of a structured internship 
  • Possess provisional sponsorship from a government body affiliated with RCPI 
  • Demonstrate an appropriate level of clinical experience 

Please note that additional requirements may need to be met before starting in the position:


Meet Dr Asmaa Milyani (video)