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Basic Specialist Training

General Paediatrics




The First Step Towards Specialisation

Basic Specialist Training (BST) is a hospital-based training programme completed in Senior House Officer (SHO) posts. It prepares you for Higher Specialist Training (HST), which is the final stage of training.

Completion of the intern year is an essential entry requirement.

BST is structured so that you rotate to a different post every three or six months, letting you experience different subspecialties and clinical teams. All posts approved for BST in Ireland are full-time and salaried.

In addition to supervised clinical training in the hospital, you will need to complete exams and courses designed to help you to develop professionally and acquire the skills and knowledge needed to provide excellent patient care.


About BST in Paediatrics

Basic Specialist Training in General Paediatrics is the first step towards specialisation in paediatrics.

Basic Specialist Training (BST) in General Paediatrics is a two-year programme completed in Senior House Officer (SHO) posts.

Completion of BST in General Paediatrics is the first step towards becoming a paediatrician in Ireland.

Completing this programme is an essential entry requirement for Higher Specialist Training in Paediatrics.


What to Expect

Basic Specialist Training in General Paediatrics is a two-year programme completed in Senior House Officer (SHO) posts.

BST in Paediatrics is completed in a two-year rotation - so you will know in advance what posts you will be working in. Your rotation will incorporate the following core elements:

  • At least six months in general paediatrics
  • Six months in neonatology
  • Experience in community paediatrics, paediatric emergency medicine or another paediatric subspecialty (for example, cardiology, gastroenterology)
  • Not more than six months will be spent in any one subspecialty

In addition to supervised clinical training in the hospital, you are required to pass the Membership of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland (MRCPI) examination in Paediatrics and complete a number of mandatory courses. 

Study days are held throughout the year and you will be required to attend at least 10 over the course of your BST.


Sample Rotation

Two-year rotation

Year 1 Year 2
July - January: General Paediatrics July - January: Emergency Paediatrics
January - July: Neonatology January - July: Paediatric Cardiology



BST General Paediatrics OBE Curriculum 2022/2023

Use this curriculum if you started Year 1 of BST in 2022/2023


BST General Paediatrics OBE Curriculum 2023/2024

Use this curriculum if you started Year 1 of BST in 2023/2024


BST General Paediatrics OBE Curriculum 2024/2025

Use this curriculum if you started Year 1 of BST in 2024/2025


Guidance on Using the OBE Curriculum

Click here to learn more about the OBE Curriculum.


Programme Requirements: Courses and Examinations

In addition to supervised clinical training, you must pass the Membership of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland (MRCPI) examination in Paediatrics. You will also participate in the BST Taught Programme. Please see details in the links below.


Contact Us

We have a dedicated administrative team to support Trainees in Basic Specialist Training. They are happy to deal with any questions you have about BST.  Contact the team on


Faculty of Paediatrics

We are the national professional and training body for paediatrics in Ireland, accredited by the Medical Council of Ireland to ensure the highest standards in child health.

Dean with Fellows of the Faculty of Paediatrics