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SDR Advice


Completed Training and Ready to Apply to the IMC


Applying to the Irish Medical Council

If you have completed your training and are ready to make your application for inclusion on the Irish Medical Council (IMC) Specialist Division of the Register, you should contact the IMC directly who will advise you on which route would be best suited for you.

Should the IMC advise that you need to make an application to have your training and experience assessed against the training attained by a graduate of the relevant training programme in Ireland, they will issue you with an Application Pack for the relevant specialty. This pack contains guidance on the criteria required and a number of Specialty-specific proforma templates that are required to be used in making your application.


Training and Experience Criteria

When assessing a doctor's training and experience, the PGTB is guided by the approved Curriculum of Training in the relevant specialty currently in use by the training body. Each doctor applying for assessment under this route must prove that their training and experience is no less than the minimum standard as set out in the Curriculum of Training.

Evidence of attendance at the required mandatory courses or equivalent as set out in the curricula are required for assessment.

If providing evidence of an equivalent course for assessment as part of your application, a copy of the course programme is required for assessment along with your certificate of attendance.


Information Video

During the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland’s Annual Symposium – St Luke’s 2022, an expert panel of speakers from RCPI, the Irish Medical Council and National Doctors Training and Planning, HSE, gave guidance on applying for entry to the Irish Medical Council Specialist Division of the Register.


Frequently Asked Questions


Contact Us

If you require any further information regarding your application to the Specialist Division of the Register, please email us at