Heritage Spring Cultural Activities
Special medical focused tour of Kilmainham Gaol | Kilmainham Gaol | Saturday 26 April | 11.00am
For over 100 years Kilmainham Gaol held thousands of men, women and children for crimes that ranged from minor offences to being involved in some of the most momentous events in Irish history. Brian Cowley, Curator of Kilmainham Gaol will lead a special tour for RCPI Members and Fellows highlighting the importance of medicine to the history of the Gaol.
In conversation with author and historian Juliana Adelman | Dun Library, 6 Kildare Street | Thursday 8 May | 6:30pm
Juliana Adelman is assistant professor of history at Dublin City University and published her debut novel in 2024. The Grateful Water is historical crime fiction set in nineteenth-century Dublin and draws on her historical expertise in Irish social history. Juliana will discuss how her historical research influences her fiction writing, and the part medical history has to play in her work.
Tour of Mainie Jellett and Evie Hone. The Art of Friendship exhibition | National Gallery of Ireland | Thursday 22 May | 7pm
NGI’s new exhibition is dedicated to the pioneering Irish modernists Mainie Jellett and Evie Hone, and brings together 90 of their works of art. It explores their friendship and shared experiences while studying in Paris during the early 1920s and traces their careers back to Ireland. Featuring paintings, stained glass, and preparatory drawings, it reveals how both women were trailblazers in Irish art although remaining connected to conventional themes such as religion and landscape.
These activities are free to RCPI Members and Fellows in good standing. Places are limited, to book a place email membership@rcpi.ie