Enrolment Fee
The enrolment fee for a professional competence scheme is €250. If your an annual subscription fee for membership of RCPI or one of our faculties is up to date, you will be entitled to a discount. The method of payment is credit or debit card, taken at the end of the online application process.
3D security on credit card payments in Europe: It is now a requirement that your city and postcode (Eircode) are contained in an address. When completing your application, please make sure you have entered your full address and postcode before you proceed through to payment of your enrolment fee. Check your Eircode here.
Direct Debit: If you choose this method, it is important that you complete the application form as far as the payment stage, and then email professionalcompetence@rcpi.ie to notify us you have submitted a direct debit. We will then be able to complete the last step of the application for you.