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Lifelong Learning

Apply for CPD Approval


Next Steps after Approval

When your event has been approved as eligible for CPD, organisers must follow a series of guidelines post-approval regarding issues like promotion, attendance and speakers, as well as provide RCPI with a post-event report.


Promotion of your Event

  • The use of the RCPI crest or logo is not permitted under any circumstances
  • Event organisers should not specify the number of credits assigned to the event on printed or other published material until such time as confirmation of approval has been issued by RCPI
  • Wording such as "applied for CPD approval" (while the application is in process) or "CPD approval" (after approval has been confirmed) as appropriate may be used in material associated with the event
  • Room hire for events at the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland at No. 6 Kildare Street does not constitute a professional association between RCPI and the meeting organiser and published material for such events must never imply such an association

Maintain a Record of Attendance

  • Please keep a record of attendees and collect learner feedback forms from your attendees
  • Keep the record of attendees and feedback forms together safely for a period of 12 months after the start date of your activity - we may contact you at a later date asking for copies of these documents
  • Send attendance certificates to your attendees, preferably as email attachments, as soon as possible after the event. Alternatively, you may provide a downloadable certificate on your website
    • The attendee name MUST be displayed on the certificate
    • The attendance certificate must display the full name and contact details of your organisation and the statement "This CPD recognition is accepted by all Irish Postgraduate Training Bodies"
    • Ensure that no industry sponsor company name, logo or corporate message appears on the attendance certificate



Acknowledge Speakers/Lecturers

  • Doctors who present/speak at your activity are entitled to claim for their attendance, so you should provide them with the same evidence of attendance as given to your attendees.
  • In addition, your presenters can claim an additional 5 CPD credits in the Research or Teaching CPD category for the first-time preparation and delivery of their presentation if you provide them with confirmation of their input into your activity



Notify RCPI of Any Changes

If any changes are made to the programme, the date of the activity, or the venue after approval has been issued, you must inform us of these changes. Be aware that changes after approval has been issued may invalidate the approval.

Send your changes to us at


Submit a Post-Event Report

Some approved activities may be randomly selected for audit. The information you provided in the relevant Post-Event Report will be reviewed and we may contact you for further clarification. 

When you receive your confirmation of approval, you will also receive a separate email with a link to submit your Post-Event Report. This must be done no later than three weeks after your activity has taken place.


List your Event on the RCPI Website

You may wish to have your activity included in our list of activities approved for CPD. To be eligible for inclusion in the RCPI Website listing, the activity must meet the following criteria:

  • The event is open to all doctors who have interest in the topic
  • The event is not aimed specifically at employees of your organisation/institution
  • Completed application form and all supporting documents are submitted four weeks before you advertise the activity
  • The name of the person to contact for registration enquiries and their email is entered in the relevant section of our application form (Word, 78KB)

Please note that the contact for registration cannot be a sponsoring Institution.