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Membership Examinations

Membership of the Faculty of Public Health Medicine


Exam Applications


Following a review of the costs associated with delivering Membership and Faculty examinations, the College is increasing examination fees by 3% from 01 January 2024.  
The costs for delivering examinations both in Ireland and internationally have risen driven by inflation worldwide.

The 2024 Examinations open for enrolment from August 2023 will be subject to the new fee structure. Any exam candidate working in Ireland can apply for a refund upon successfully passing an exam, under the HSE Clinical Course and Examination Refund Scheme.



Applications are closed

The next MFPHMI Part I examination will take place on 23 and 25 April 2025 via remote invigilation (RI). The applications will open on 22 January 2025 and will close on 5 March 2025.

Applications closed Please note:
  • MFPHMI Part I examination is held once a year online, via remote invigilation. Candidates may sit the exam anywhere in the world, provided they have a reliable internet connection. Read more about Remote Invigilation. 
  • NOTE: a "rest day" between Day 1 and Day 2 was introduced in 2024. 
  • The results are communicated to the candidates via email between 8-10 weeks after the exam.


Applications to register your interest are closed

The next Part II sitting will take place on 23 October 2024 in No.6 Kildare Street, Dublin. Applications to register candidates' interest are now open.

Canidates who have registered their interest to participate in the October sitting have been now enrolled in Turnitin and they should have received a confirmation email. Candidates have approximately 2 weeks to use Turnitin and generate a Similarity report.

Candidates who wish to sit the exam on 23 October should submit their draft application by 4 September at 5pm Irish time. This is the closing date for applications and deadline to submit public health reports and supporting documents including a Similarity Report generated by Turnitin.

The RCPI Plagiarism Policy is now final and has been published on the RCPI website. However, it has been agreed that for the next sitting of the Part II Examinations (October 2024), although candidates will be asked to include the Turnitin process as part of their application process for the Part II examination, it will be considered a pilot.

Application to register interest are closed Please note:
  • Verifications are completed up to two weeks after the closing date for applications. Candidates will be also contacted by an exams coordinator with further information approximately a week before the exam date.
  • The requirement to submit hard copies of public health reports has been removed. From 2023, candidates will be only required to submit an electronic version of their reports which is done during the application process. 
  • The results are sent to the candidates via email within 24 hours after the examination date.


Applications are closed

The next Part III sitting will take place on 3 December 2024, in No.6 Kildare Street, Dublin. Applications will open on 16 October at 12pm Irish time and close on 20 November at 5pm Irish time.

Applications closed Please note:
  • Candidates who have passed the Part II, i.e. two public health reports, are eligible to apply for this exam.
  • The results are sent to the candidates via email within 24 hours after the examination date.