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Membership Examinations

Membership of the Faculty of Occupational Medicine


MFOM OSPE (Objective Structured Practical Examination)



The MFOM OSPE (Objective Structured Practical Examination) is the final step towards achieving Membership of the Faculty of Occupational Medicine, a qualification that is accredited as a leading knowledge-based assessment for occupational medicine in Ireland. The MFOM qualification is also recognised by the General Medical Council in the UK. This means that international medical graduates can apply for full registration with a licence to practice in the UK if they hold MFOM.

Changes to length of time allowed and attempts to pass MFOM:

From September 2024, the time limit to obtain the Membership of the Faculty of Occupational Medicine (MFOM) will be six years. This means candidates will have a total of six years, which will allow a total of six attempts per component. It applies to all Parts of MFOM examinations, i.e. written, portfolio and OSPE.

The limited length of time and attempts policy will apply from when the policy will start in September 2024 to all exam candidates, whether they are based in Ireland or overseas. Candidates can carry over their past results for a total of 6 years.

If you require further information regarding this policy, please refer to the FAQ document that can be found HERE or contact our Examinations Department at


Exam Structure

MFOM OSPE consists of three components and is split into two days: a report writing exam and a critical appraisal exam that are traditionally held od Day 1 (a day before the OSPE) and eight Objective Structured Practical Examination (OSPE) stations that are traditionally held on Day 2.

New from 2023: MFOM Viva will be added to the MFOM Portfolio. This component will be on the day of the OSPE, i.e. Day 2.


You will be examined at eight OSPE (Objective Structured Practical Examination) stations. Each station lasts ten minutes. Most of the stations will involve taking directed specific histories from simulated patients or performing physical examinations of particular systems. You may also be assessed in practical skills, such as interpreting audiometric or spirometric tracings.

Examiners will ask questions at the end of each station. You must pass at least six of the eight stations.

You need to bring the following items with you to the exam:

  • Stethoscope
  • Measuring tape
  • Tendon hammer
  • Clinical torch
  • Ophthalmoscope
  • Auriscope

Report writing exam

This is a 30-minute written examination and takes place on the day before the OSPE.

Critical appraisal exam

This is a 90-minute written examination and takes place on the day before the OSPE.


Frequently Asked Questions