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Trainee Wellbeing

How Do You Know If There Is a Problem?


How Do You Know If There Is a Problem?



Generally speaking, our body tells us if there is a problem. The body sends us messages if something might be off track and it is important to listen to these cues, and consider that they may be more than a normal reaction to sleep deprivation.

The difficulty for most trainees and trainers who engage with our service is that most of these signals are also found in sleep-deprived conditions, which is a reality for most doctors in training.


Signs and Symptoms

Think you may have a wellbeing issue? Look for help if you have any of the following symptoms or signs:

  • Difficulties with sleep
  • Difficulties with food (eating too much, too little, eating unhealthy food)
  • Pain and discomfort (headaches, neck and back pain, bowel and stomach issues)
  • Intellectual difficulties (decision making, problem solving, memory, concentration)
  • Emotional ‘flooding’ (crying easily, feeling angry and frustrated, feeling stressed all the time)
  • Feeling anxious (pain in the chest, difficulty breathing, feeling dizzy)
  • Getting sick easily
  • Feeling sluggish and generally not yourself or not well
  • Withdrawing from relationships and from social interactions
  • Self-medicating
  • Missing work or other commitments
  • Taking longer to complete tasks
  • Excessive alcohol intake
  • Use of recreational drugs
  • Excessive exercising or withdrawal from exercise
  • Conflicts that seem beyond resolution
  • Repeated examination failure
  • Relationships difficulties at work or outside of work (which impact on ability to work)

If you think you are suffering from any of these symptoms, then you may need help to prioritise your wellbeing. Contact us at for advice and support pathways.