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Become an RCPI Examiner


Become an RCPI Examiner


Becoming an RCPI Examiner will help you to improve your own teaching practice, as you will be able to give in-depth exam advice to Trainees who are preparing for MRCPI exams. You will also gain a deeper understanding of the clinical skills and acumen you should expect from a Trainee exiting BST and entering HST.

To examine for RCPI, you will need to:

  • hold a substantive consultant post or have retired from clinical practice within the last 12 months
  • be a Member or Fellow of RCPI in good standing or a Fellow of an equivalent college
  • be on a professional competence scheme (as examiners are awarded CPD points)

If you do not meet one of the above points, you can still register your interest to be considered.

You can browse our current opportunities or register your interest in becoming an RCPI Examiner below.


Interested in Becoming an RCPI Examiner?

Browse our current opportunities or leave your details to be notified when a spot becomes available.