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About Us



Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

RCPI recognises the importance of equality, diversity and inclusion. We are an open and inclusive organisation that celebrates and welcomes diversity. We lead initiatives that support, promote and demonstrate a culture of mutual respect, inclusivity and diversity, as outlined in our Diversity and Inclusion policy.

Books on a shelf

Our Policies

RCPI has a range of policies to support and promote an equitable workplace including; Diversity and Inclusion policy, Recruitment and Selection, Disability and Reasonable Accommodation, Anti-Bullying and Harassment, Grievance, Disciplinary, Training and Development and a range of family leave related policies.

Our policies are available on our internal staff SharePoint site.

RCPI Education Delivery Team at No 6 Kildare Street

Our Commitment

We are committed to creating an environment where diversity is celebrated and everyone is treated fairly, regardless of gender, age, race, disability, ethnic origin, religion, sexual orientation, civil status, family status, or membership of the Traveller community.  

We have a responsibility to promote equality, dignity and respect, to celebrate diversity and to challenge unfairness and discrimination. We aim to do this through all our activities – staff recruitment, development and policies; education, training and examinations; and governance. 


Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Working Group

We have established an Equality, Diversity and Inclusion working group with sub staff networks as follows:

  • Gender Equality Network: A network of staff collaborating to support gender equality.
  • LGBTQ+ Network: A network of staff focused on promoting and enhancing equality and inclusion across all genders and sexualities.
  • Multicultural, Ethnic Minorities and Interfaith Network: A network of staff focused on raising awareness and knowledge of multicultural, ethnic minorities and interfaith matters to connect and support each other and create a sense of belonging.
  • Parents’, Carers’ and Families Network: ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​A network of parents and/or carers (in any context) promoting awareness of policies and supports available.
  • RespectAbility Network: A network of staff creating awareness and supporting neurodiverse employees and those with a disability to foster a sense of belonging and inclusion for all employees.
Speaker and participant at RCPI International Women's Day 2022

Celebrating Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at RCPI

We have held a number of staff events and awareness sessions this year to celebrate International Women’s Day, International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, PRIDE and multiculturalism at RCPI and to mark World Mental Health Day and International Men’s Day.  We look forward to hosting more events next year.

Investors in Diversity Awards


This year, the Irish Centre for Diversity awarded Investors in Diversity Silver accreditation to RCPI in recognition of our commitment to a diverse and equal workplace. Silver accreditation affirms that as an organisation we have been benchmarked against other bodies and have both embedded inclusive practices throughout the workplace in the College as well as developed and fostered a sense of fairness and belonging among colleagues. The accreditation is valid for a two-year period from November 2022 – November 2024.

Investors in Diversity is Ireland’s premier Diversity and Inclusion accreditation mark.  Supported by Ibec, the programme both recognises existing efforts and supports the journey of continuous improvement by providing a structured framework to transform workplace practices and culture.

This award is a recognition of our efforts to date, and we look forward to building upon this and continuing to embed diversity and inclusion in everything we do including all of our education and training activities.

RCPI staff at an employee event

Gender Pay Gap Report

The Royal College of Physicians of Ireland is committed to a culture that embraces and enhances equality, diversity and inclusion. Gender-based pay gaps are unacceptable and the college will continue to strive for pay parity.